Monday, April 2, 2012

Wrath of the Titans-Review

So yesterday I had the misfortune of seeing Wrath of the Titans. If any of you have not seen the first one, than you are lucky to have not been subjected to that. In my opinion the director of this movie should have to feel some wrath since he subjected the audience to so much of it. This movie was TERRIBLE. It really seems like the people making this movie decided that the movie looking cool was far more important than any substance or plot. The makers of this movie clearly wanted to jam in as much Greek mythology as they could but it feels really out of place at times. At one point this minotaur attacks Perseus and it feels so random and crappy just like the rest of the movie and you just have to look at the person next to you and shake your head wondering why that happened. This is the worst movie I have seen all year and I honestly can't think of a movie I enjoyed less than this right now.

Here are a bunch of things that don't make any practical sense:
It is said throughout the movie that in order to defeat Cronos someone would have to unite Hades' Pitchfork, Zeus' Bolt and Poseidon's Trident. That is all fine by me but then Ares has the bolt and the pitchfork and he is working for Cronos and decides the best course of action is to throw his pitchfork at Zeus back as he is leaving the underworld. Why not just move up behind a hobbling Zeus and the rest of the wannabe god group and shove them into the lava that is everywhere, or just snap his neck instead of constantly punching them for no reason. Whenever Ares fights anyone but a main character he kills them right away by stabbing them or something, but then when he fights the entirely human Queen Andromeda he swats her away and does not kill her. Ares is a poorly written moron in this part of the movie. He could have grabbed Andromeda and said "give me all the god weapons or I will snap her like a twig" then he should have snapped her like a twig and pushed the other two characters with her into a smoldering pit of lava. Then he should have just turned and killed Cronos by the way, I dont see much upside to letting him blow up the world. That is not even the worst of what he does though, at this point the main characters have the pitchfork and the trident but cant make the spear unless they have Zeus's bolt which is on Ares back. So then Perseus prays to Ares so he can hear him and basically challenges him to a fight at this temple. At this point a well written god of war should have gone down right away and killed him before he could even get ready to fight him or at the very least leave the Bolt of Zeus somewhere before going to fight Perseus. Anyways, Ares brings the bolt with him because he is a genius of tactics and war and then decides that he is going to punch perseus to death instead of destroying with the bolt of Zeus or just impaling him with a sword or any of the normal things someone would do in this situation. So of course Ares is awful and loses to Perseus and this stupid dagger made of wood that he has and then Perseus unites the three god weapons and destroys Cronos.

The entire movie was just like the first one, you wait and wait for this giant monster to come out and then get killed in two seconds by a chump on a pegasus. I really dont understand how he is even effective, if I was Cronos and I saw him flying at me I would just kill him with my incredible fire powers which he couldnt stop because he is not anything. Also at the end of this movie it seems clear that even the director wants to distance himself from this picture since he kills off just about every god. For some reason all the gods turn into sand when they die which was probably a way to distract people from noticing how bad the movie is and instead concentrate on the visual aspects.

Overall I give this movie a rating of 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. This movie is so flawed and terrible I may boycott future movies by the same director just to punish him for being part of this.

Thank you for reading,


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